Friday, 23 August 2013

Necessity of Earth

By Earth we do not mean only this planet but also the clay and other minerals existent on its surface or crust. The various kinds of substances that are mined from the Earth also form a part of the Earth element. The whole animated and unanimated world is existent only on the surface of Earth. All the required things for the development of animated world are mined from the Earth. The very first profession of human civilization, Agriculture, could take place only because of land. The first equipment made by man was made of stones, provided by Earth. Earth is not only called Mother Earth because of its generosity but it is also worshiped as a Deity. Even today the grace of Earth is desired through land worship before every construction work.

First of all necessary of construction related works and substances are provided by Earth. The design of any house depends on the fact whether the form of that land and the vegetation produced on that land is favorable to construction or not. Therefore, a proper care should be taken while selecting the land and purchasing construction material. Vastu classifies soil according to its form, touchability, taste and shape. The information about the various forms of land and the methods of land worship are also available in Vastu.

The Place in a Building:

The Earth is a heavenly body, hence the element of Earth is the indicator of weight and formidably. According to Vastu the South-West angle of a building should be exalted and weighed. Therefore, the place of Earth element in a building is in South-West.

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